Saturday, October 6, 2012

Welcome to my book page!

Welcome! I write about relationships, hockey, art and cats. So if any or all of these things appeal to you, you’ve come to the right place. I’ve been serializing my stories in an online community for a few years now, and I’ve been lucky enough to have had tons of encouragement from all my readers. In fact, my work was so popular it started to get ripped off by commercial websites looking for more traffic. So I took it down and decided to find another way to offer my work to readers. Another author encouraged me to try epublishing, so here I am.

So far, the writing and editing have been fine, but the technical formatting has resulted in a lot of frustrated screaming at my poor laptop. But my fingers are crossed that it will all get easier each time.

My first book is actually not a full-length novel; it’s a 15,000 word, eight chapter novella. I wanted to start with a shorter test book to make sure it was properly edited and formatted. This book was written because I lost a bet, or rather my hockey team lost a game, so I had to write story for a fellow hockey fan. So if you like hockey and romance, I think you’ll enjoy Fresh Air. I think the best way to describe it is a little romance, with hockey and cats.


  1. I am so, so excited. I am seriously thinking of getting a kindle just so I can read these stories! And I love your covers. Can't wait.

    1. You can actually download a Kindle reader to your computer. That's what I did, and I'll keep using it until I get a reader for Christmas. Santa, are you listening?

    2. This is a brilliant idea. I will check it out and if that doesn't work, I might give Santa a hint.
